Welcome to Bock´s Corner Village!
Bock´s Corner Village is the owner and governor of the properties located on its premises. We at Bock’s Corner Village are also managing a range of projects and events that are located on our premises.

Wasa Innovation Center is one of Bock’s Corner Villages main projects. Wasa Innovation Center is focused on business-oriented solutions in AI and digitalization but is also working with other topics that are driving the progress and future well-being of our region. In case you are interested in taking part in Wasa Innovation Center’s broad range of projects and activities you can e-mail your interest to Sture Udd at sture.udd@upc.fi (business) or Ira Mikkonen at ira.mikkonen@bcv.fi (organizations).
See you soon at Bock’s!
Bock´s Innovation Center (officially Wasa Innovation Center) has a dedicated premise – the Bazaar building – with a MindSquare at its disposal. The aim is to organize human connections instead of organizational bureaucracy. In the building will work talented engineers, artists, economist, lawyers and project administrators. Special attention is paid to the understanding of the digital world and AI functions in all aspects of business and life.
Stay Tuned for updates!

Make Good! is a pledge to simply do what it says- to make good! For us it means that we strive to develop ourselves and our practices to an international standard, we work actively to develop the local economy and we support our community!
Best in Europe!
We strive to be the best in Europe in what we do. We compete in a global market and if we wish to retain our level of welfare all of our aims should be set at the global level. This is why we have invested, and will continue to invest, heavily in order to create unique surroundings, top-of-the-line manufacturing processes and world-class know-how in Bock’s Corner.
Local economy
All of us benefit from a thriving local economy and the best way to support it is by consuming locally produced goods and services straight from the producer. Aside from producing our own products (beers, ciders, coffee, meat etc.) and favoring locally produced raw materials, we also actively promote local produce though various venues. For instance, we regularly organize markets for local producers where participation is entirely free of charge, we have launched the “Thursday Movement” which aims to increase consumption of local products by 10€/pers. per week and we participate actively in the creation of the new Innovation Center in Bock’s Corner.
We are part of the community we work in, hence, we want our work to have a positive influence on our community. We regularly organize events which bring people of all ages together- family friendly festivals, seminars, culture and art shows, the city’s grandest fireworks on New Year’s Eve etc. However, we also support local causes through different forms of cooperation (e.g. jointly organized fundraisers) and grants.
September 2018: Grand Opening
June 18, 2018
In September we will launch Bock’s in its final conformation Watch us for our concepts: Food Revolution Drink Revolution Think Revolution Eat natural – Drink natural – Think natural! Stay…
1.7. Launch of Bock´s App!
June 18, 2018
Through the app you can: Get to know more about the brewery, the beers and the brewing processes. Engage and participate in Wasa Innovation Centers agenda and events as well…
11.-14.8.2021 Wasa Future Festival V
June 28, 2021
Vaikuttavan osallistujalistan omaava tulevaisuustapahtuma Wasa Future Festival keskittyy Vaasan ja koko Suomen ongelmien ratkomiseen, aina teollisuuden innovaatioista kulttuurin mahdollisuuksiin. Katso ohjelma tästä Ohjelma | Wasa Future Festival ja tule mukaan,…
9-11.8. Wasa Future Festival II
June 18, 2018
Welcome along on our three day long festival days to hear and engage in topics ranging from AI and digitalization to regional economics and politics! Talented local musicians and artists…
5.4. AI Forum Start-Up Meeting
June 18, 2018
Thursday 5.4. at 6 pm @Bock’s Corner Brewery Café We are surveying persons and groups who are interested in developing an AI Consortium and / or AI activity in the…
10.3. Wasa Future Festival I
June 18, 2018
At 3:30 PM at the Garage, Bock’s Corner Brewery Where will Ostrobothnia stand in 2040? Can we build us a strong foundation so that we can stand out in the…
30.11. Bock´s Innovation Center Start-Up meeting
June 18, 2018
At 18:00 in the Barn, Bock´s Corner Brewery Agenda: Presentation of possible content and preliminary working models and timetables (Sture Udd) All participants are requested to propose ideas and concepts…